Thematic focuses combine our BA in Women's and Gender Studies curriculum with resources and related programs across the university, allowing students to develop interdisciplinary skills and career prospects.
Law & Social Justice
Expertise in women’s and gender studies enhances approaches to criminal justice and human rights concerns as they affect people who identify as women, LGBTQA+ communities, minoritized, and other vulnerable or socially and politically marginalized communities. CWGS faculty have developed well-regarded courses for students interested in applying gendered perspectives to local and international issues in law and social justice.
- The Undergraduate Certificate in Law, Ethics and Society offered by the Department of Philosophy enriches your studies with a consideration of normative issues in law and politics
- For guidance on a career in law, visit the FIU Pre-Law Advising and Training Office
- Pre-Law summer opportunities
- A proposed combined degree pathway (approval pending) for a BA in Women's and Gender Studies/MA in African and African Diaspora Studies to provide a wide range of courses that emphasize legal justice issues
- The Center for Women's and Gender Studies offers focused courses on law and social justice:
- WST 3011 Campus Sexual Assault
- WST 4115 Gender Violence & the Law: Global Perspectives
- PHM 4125 Philosophy of Gender & Race
- View all WST and affiliated courses on our Academics page
STEM & Health Professions
Designed to build on FIU's Women in STEM initiatives, this career path will serve students who plan to pursue professional careers in the biological and health-related sciences, public health and medicine. Students in the humanities and social sciences can also expand their horizons with STEM perspectives.
- The Undergraduate Certificate in Health Humanities offers interdisciplinary approaches to the health care field
- For guidance on health professions and programs, visit the Office of Pre-Health Advising
- Coming in 2022: A Center for Women's and Gender Studies course on the Biology of Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation
- Professional and academic training opportunities
Education & the Arts
This career path equips students to pursue teaching or administrative careers in higher education.
- Proposed five-year BA/MA degree pathway in Women's and Gender Studies and Urban Education
- One-on-one advising for students interested in MAs, MFAs and PhDs in the social sciences and humanities
Alexandra Cornelius
Director of the Center for Women's and Gender Studies; Associate Teaching Professor
LC 323